Friday, February 12, 2016

Future of Transportation

Saw 2 companies on CNN

1. Sabre - Is this improved Concord jets. No, it is totally new tech with something which I think is close to impossible.

They will cool down the air from 1000 dec celcius to -150deg cel in milliseconds. I am a mechanical engineer but this seems like impossible to me. If it is done then we will have our 15th anniversary on moon

2. Subtrans - Well i have been excited about my Maglev travels in Shanghai. But that is very costly and one of the white elephant of China with low ROI of economy. But this subtrans works without power.

What it does is very simple in terms of technology but difficult to implement in mass scale. They are basically using superconducting technology to create uniform distance. (they used liquid nitrogen for this)

Question - How will they implement this on a track which is not in Scandinavian / Seberian Terrain.

I personally believe that there has been no new tech in Transportation in last 100 years and something is about to come. Such as AI driver got driving licensce in US............

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