Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Finally - The long pending market correction

“I told you so” – Well this is what I have been avoiding saying during conversation with people around me. Anyway, I was always bearish in my previous projections from last 2 years. I still hold my views that there is no point investing in the market at a PE higher than 20. COVID is not a reason but just a trigger for correction, which was long pending in the stock market. Public equity was priced way above the reasonable levels.

There is a bit of misinformation being spread among retail investors around the definition of PE. The only PE which is accurate is trailing PE. Forward PE may be meaningful but the calculations are all in thin air. Retail investors should avoid falling into such traps.

A passive investor cant do stock selection with confidence and moreover for retail investors, this needs a bit of expertise. For such investors a good parameter for investment is as under
nifty pe ratio vs nifty chart

Again the big question is – Is it the right time to invest?
The answer to this question depends on the level of expertise of an investor.
A.      If someone has already decided to invest and have reasonable confidence in evaluation of a sector or a company, then at PE of 20, one may go ahead and invest.
B.      If someone is pure retail investor, then this is not the right to invest. The market is just touching at PE of 20 and the PE is still very high for a passive value investor. For such investor, it is better to wait for PE of at least 18 to jump in the market.

Confidence is the key and history is the answer to all the questions and it is better to evaluate the past performance of the market on monthly basis.

Key lessons to be learned from COVID event are as under
1.       Markets can’t stay stupid for long
2.       The time duration for correction of market may be longer at times
3.       Don’t invest till PE drops below 20
4.       Don’t try to time the market
5.       Don’t search for peaks and bottoms

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