Tuesday, May 29, 2007

1 comment:

Lucky said...

Starting Thread -

Basic Premise(Man is Mortal and have got only 24 hrs in a day and one shot at life)

Sounds to be strange to post comments on ones own blog.....phew......but I had messed it up with my blog as a result of which all my previous posts had been deleted ......Alas a dilemma is lost .....A dilemma which is there for may be for the one-fourth of the world ....may be 200 Billon people ( Going by a rough estimate of 600BIllions Mortals world wide in Homo-Sapiens Species category ....May be we need to specify this as I have heard that some the Chimpanzees are learning to Blog on the net.......At least Spare me )

I wanted to start this thread for self-help as well as for mutual help for the individuals to resolve their dilemmas…and helping out people to be crystal clear about their career moves. A lot of constructive energy will be generated if we streamline the efforts of the individuals. Can some body imagine the amount of constructive energy, which will be released if we can streamline the energies of 200 Billion people on this planet. It will revolutionize the meaning of life for these people. Nevertheless, it is far better said than done. Ok lets shoot the Question right away.

Starting from me :-

Currently I am in a fix whether to continue my career in Oil & Gas or to make a career change.

Therefore, I like many individuals of my genera am in a dilemma about the Career.
My Options are

1. Continuing in the Oil & Gas Field in fuel Retailing
2. Lateral Shift to some other company in the same domain.
3. Shifting to some other domain function within the same company.
4. Shifting both domain and the company.
5. Going for a venture of mine.
6. Going for higher studies.

Obviously, these categories are just indicatives. There may hoards for others. For Example I am also in a dilemma which higher studies should I go for ie…a Technical or a Management.
I want people to share their experience on this subject and help not only me but also others visiting this place looking for some help.